Home / eSports Training / Optimum training time for the eSports players?

Optimum training time for the eSports players?

The time that professional players spend behind a keyboard is a permanent discussion point in non-sports media. A quick search will find quotes from interviews with Lee” Faker ” Sang-hyeok, claiming that he practices 12 to 15 hours a day, while a Business Insider article said that two former League of Legends players for the liquid team—the two Koreans-would practice for similar periods of 12 to 14 hours, despite their teammates playing for only eight hours.

The practice time is still pretty fractured, but given the different requirements between games and genres, this is not always a bad thing.

The eSport industry is rapidly professionalizing, resulting in a standardized approach to training. Now that team organizations are playing for bigger stakes—and with greater investment behind them-there is a growing universal demand for physical coaches, nutritionists, and even specialists who help with posture and sitting position. The practice time is still pretty fractured, but given the different requirements between games and genres, this is not always a bad thing.

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